1) The late summer weather for our trip to exotic Michigan was outstanding. Sunny, clear, not humid, not debilitatingly hot. It had strangely rained in early August, so the grass was green and lush and the trees were happy. One significant climatological difference this summer was that there were very few nuisance insects. Something about [more…]
Nov 232012
Yes, I have ridden by smashed houses, splintered trees, and cars lined for miles to get gas. http://fort-greene.thelocal.nytimes.com/2012/11/02/locals-embrace-biking-in-hurricane-sandy%E2%80%99s-aftermath/
Nov 012012
So has a reporter for the New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/02/nyregion/with-transportation-snarled-in-brooklyn-bicycles-roam-free.html?_r=0